E Series Machines
Click on the pictures/links below to see all of the information about each model. |
100E Models

1ooE Sporter $1,410
100E Sporter Tilt $1,545
100E Midi $1,410
100E Midi Tilt $1,545
100E ATA $2,135
100E ATA Midi $2,135
100E Wobble $2,635
Skeet Pair $3,330
Modern Skeet $4,370
200E Models

200E Sporter $2,075
200E Sporter Tilt $2,285
200E Midi $2,075
200E Midi Tilt $2,285
Universal Bunker $3,435
300E Models

300E Sporter $2,700
300E Sporter LH $2,800
300E Midi $2,700
300E Midi LH $2,800
300E Battue $2,800
300E Rabbue $2,800
300E Mini $2,800
300E Pro 70 $2,800
300E Chandelle $3,530
300E Rabbit $3,530
300E ATA $4,050
300E Wobble $4,550
Skeet Set $5,610
Bunker Single Call
400E Models

400E Sporter $3,220
400E Sporter LH $3,320
400E Midi $3,220
400E Midi LH $3,320
400E Mini $3,320
400E Pro 70 $3,320
400E Battue $3,320
400E Rabbue $3,320
400E Chandelle $4,050
400E Rabbit $4,050
400E Chandelle 90 $4,050
400E Wobble $5,610
Skeet Set $6,650
Modern Skeet $8,630
500E Models

500E ATA $7,250
500E Wobble $7,750
Skeet Set $8,390
300D Series

300D Sporter $2,180
300D Sporter LH $2,280
300D Midi $2,180
300D Midi LH $2,280
300D Mini $2,280
300D Mini LH $2,280
300D Pro 70 $2,280
300D Pro 70 LH $2,280
300D Battue $2,280
300D Battue LH $2,280
400D Series

400D Sporter $2,385
400D Sporter LH $2,485
400D Midi $2,385
400D Midi LH $2,485
400D Mini $2,485
400D Mini LH $2,485
400D Pro 70 $2,485
400D Pro 70 LH $2,485
400D Battue $2,485
400D Battue LH $2,485
XP Series Machines
The XP Series is deemed our commercial series. Made of stainless steel and aluminum only, these machines are durable and provide the utmost consistency. These throwers feature a 5-year warranty and upgraded gearbox and motors. The tilt base, accompanied by available options such as a cart, offers a large variety of options regarding target presentations.
Click on the pictures/links below to see all of the information about each model.
306XP Models

306XP Sporter $3,295
306XP Sporter LH $3,295
306XP Midi $3,295
306XP Midi LH $3,295
306XP Mini $3,395
306XP Mini LH $3,395
306XP Pro 70 $3,395
306XP Battue $3,395
306XP Battue LH $3,395
306XP Wobble $6,210
408XP Models

408XP Sporter $3,815
408XP Sporter LH $3,815
408XP Midi $3,815
408XP Midi LH $3,815
408XP Mini $3,915
408XP Mini LH $3,915
408XP Pro 70 $3,915
408XP Battue $3,915
408XP Battue LH $3,915
408XP Rabbue $3,915
408XP Chandelle $4,650
408XP Rabbit $4,650
408XP Chandelle 90 $4,650
408XP Wobble $6,730
611XP Models

611XP Sporter $4,130
611XP Midi $4,130